Shamiyeh bei DGMK über duale Transformation

Hannover, 11. Januar 2019 – Shamiyeh war eingeladen, bei der DGMK Konferenz Energie und Rohstoffe der Zukunft eine Keynote zum Thema „Duale Transformation“ zu halten.

“Prof. M. Shamiyeh has given a remarkable keynote at our last DGMK annual Conference held at ExxonMobil’s offices in Hanover. This one-day conference is gathering top management and key scientists of the German oil, gas and coal industry and science community looking forward to finding innovative ways into a NEW energy world! Michael could stimulate the group with well-founded ideas, a wealth of analogies and analyses from other successful (and failed) business cases, and develop fruitful thoughts. I could observe and listen to many comments and feedback during recent months – (it was not a one-day ‘flash in the pan’ but) he really made a sustainable impact.” – Peter Reichetseder (Vorstand DGMK)


Center for Future Design

University of Art and Design
Hauptplatz 6
4020 Linz, Austria


Professor Michael Shamiyeh

Agnes Buchberger
+43 732 7898 - 2218


Professor Larry Leifer
Stanford University

Professor Walter Brenner
Universität St. Gallen

Folge C-FD